Zoryana Golovata: "The more you are able to see and to realize, the more effective your management and financial decisions"

Zoryana Golovata

Executive coach. Author of the project "Money and Psychology", and "See more". Founded  Institute of Personal Coaching. Board member World Wealth Corporation.  Founder "Women's voice in action". (USA). Professional Member of the American Counseling Association. Delegate of the UN Peace Week, Geneva. The author of the article, "Money and Psychology, Mental Health, Emotional Literacy and Performance Coaching" #Bloomberg, "Psychological Wealth And Mental Health" #Forbes, "Behind the Scenes of Visible Victories", "Double Standards", "A System That Supports Business", "Do You Have a Plan, Miss?", "How to Manipulate Manipulators". Participant of international conferences

"Life requires certain achievements in different aspects of our lives from each of us: at work, in business, in personal relationships, sports, or in arts. Life is an ongoing learning process, and it will last as long as a person will live. This process of receiving necessary knowledge for achieving success is known as the process of self-discovery, the discovery of abilities, and understanding of personal unique qualities.

Everyone has something to be proud of. Success may be as different as different people. No one can give you success, although, no one can take it away from you. The origin of coordinates is only You. Success is what follows your doings. We live in a world, where we arrange our lives and deal with certain issues. Only constant work and development allows for successful results. And each solved problem brings us closer to success." - Zoryana Golovata

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Complicated in easy words

Emotional literacy

A personal training program that forms the ability to reason with...

Psychological resistance

Formation of the basis, values, and principles of a person's...

Thinking Transformation

It is built on awareness - one of the main aspects of coaching...


"See More" Project

This project is aimed at expanding your worldview, learning how to manage yourself, your emotions, and last but not least about accepting factors that we are not in power to change.Psychological stability is needed whether you're engaged in business or politics; public or private sector; with whoever you build relationships with: leaders or subordinates, partners or family; in whatever situations you are, you will always resort to psychological stability.

Change and transformation are what we constantly hear.It is primarily about shaping yourself in a changing environment. The formation of thinking makes it possible to live fully in a situation of change and notice what you don't see at first glance. It is understanding what was unclear, and naming things what they are, redo something that did not provide the results.

The target audience of the project:

Primarily those who want to know more about themselves and gain a better understanding of emotions and feelings, discover personal cognitive abilities (energy and power), define explicit and implicit values. For those who are ready to look into themselves and accept everything that is laid in there, look from a different angle on stereotypes, and transform what creates obstacles in achieving desired results, form personal stability and change the approach to the formation of personal goals.

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"Money and Psychology" Project

This project is about psychology that generates finances, and application of the cognitive approach in management; about modeling and management of complicated systems; about management decisions that are made in business, economics, and politics.

The target audience of the project:

Those who want to develop in the field of the formation of personal wealth, and are currently in the process of change of personal finances model. Those who are interested in getting to know practical models of money management. For managers, who want to establish organizational resilience. For startups defining their financial strategy. For politicians who are involved in shaping the country's economic well-being and for business representatives who organize work processes to achieve common financial goals.

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Institute of Personal Coaching (IPC)

A personal coach is a specialist who works with the client's psychology, his worldview, relationships with others, cognitive qualities, with personal tasks to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

A personal coach must have the following knowledge: basic education (economic, legal, psychological, etc.), knowledge of personal psychology, cognitive science, worldview, and basic knowledge of philosophy.

An understanding of the basics of doing business, the work of political institutions, and the development of the social sphere are desirable. Have psychological stability, emotional literacy, and be aware of their role in solving the client's problems.

IPC activities include:

• Training program for personal coaches
• A session with an experienced coach dedicated to form the personal style and choose a professional orientation for each coach
• Coach Council - the professional association of personal coaches (access to the private Council)

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Follow your heart when it comes to important life turns.

Women's voice in action

Women's voice in action - project that supports Ukrainian women in the field of building a business during the war and rebuilding the economy in the post-war period.

Today, women's leadership is a prerequisite for building an economy.  Women in politics, business and social sphere need three-way support.  Financial literacy, building stable sources of personal finance;  emotional literacy and creating effective social connections;  mental health, goal setting, and helping family members.

Educational programs, personal mentoring and assistance in business planning abroad have been developed in these three directions.

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A comment by Zoryana Golovatawas published in an article by Forbes Media chief content officer and Forbes Editor Randall Lane

In May, ahead of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix, Forbes Monaco special issue, dedicated to the royal race with a list of billionaires in 2021. Forbes specializes in business, investment, technology and leadership. On the cover of the magazine is seven-time Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton, the magazine ranks world billionaires and a review of top venture capitalists.

A comment by Zoryana Golovata, a Professional Member of the American Counseling Association, was published in an article by Forbes Media chief content officer and Forbes

Editor Randall Lane about Operation Wealth Speed.
Randall Lane in 2011 created a list of Forbes "30 Under 30", which includes promising figures from various fields of business. Author of the book "The Zeroes: my misadventures in the Decade Wall Street Went Insane" in which Lane outlined the similarities between some Wall Street traders and Major League Baseball players in their views on the ethics of cheating. The New York Times named Lane one of the 922 most powerful people in the United States of America.

Expert comment of Zoryana Golovata "Sports, Psychology and Business" in original:

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